What is RACI Matrix in ITIL V3 ?

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RACI matrix is also known as responsibility assignment matrix or linear responsibility chart. It is  very useful in defining roles and responsibilities in projects and processes.

1. Responsible

The individual (s) who actually completes the task

2. Accountable

The individual who is ultimately responsible 

Only 1 person can be accountable for each task 

Yes or No authority and veto power

3. Consulted

The individual (s) to be consulted prior to a final decision or action  involvement through input of knowledge and information

4. Informed ( the “keep in loop” types)  who needs to be informed after a decision or action is taken.  This incorporates one-way ‘ communication  receiving information about process execution and quality RACI model ensures adequate spread of responsibilities


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ASARAMOMONA is used to question the status quo and improvise the existing.

ASARAMOMONA stands for Add, Subtract, Alter, Rearrange, Adapt, Magnify, Opposite, Minify, Other, New & Alternative.

Let us understand it more clearly.

  1. Add is used to ask what I can add to the existing which can help improvise it.
  2. Subtract is used to ask what I can remove from the existing in order to improvise it.
  3. Alter is used to ask how I can alter something in order to improvise the existing.
  4. Rearrange is used to ask how I can put something into a different fashion in order to improvise.
  5. Adapt is used to ask what I can change to suit the new purpose.
  6. Magnify is used to ask what I can increase to improve the existing.
  7. Opposite is used to ask what I can do opposite in order to improve the existing.
  8. Minify is used to ask what I can decrease to improve the existing.
  9. Other is used to ask what else I can do which is not implied or done earlier in order to improvise the existing.
  10. New is used to ask what can I do in a new way to improve the existing.
  11. Alternative is used to ask what I can alternatively use to improvise the existing.